By Ryan Bretag | @ryanbretag
Apple is set to make an “education announcement” on January 19th and I’m frustrated.
I’m frustrated that this announcement surely won’t be how Google and Apple are putting aside their differences in the best interest of education.
Nope. It is said to be about textbooks, which misses the mark for those like me that envision a learning environment where Google Apps for Education and iPads are foundational pieces for each learner.
And it is this missing the mark that puts schools with similar visions in a most precarious spot: choosing between iPads and Google Apps. And it is this missing the mark that makes me throw my hands up in disgust with both groups for forcing schools into a no-win situation.
Because I don’t want to choose. Education shouldn’t have to choose.

Stated Beliefs on Education
I understand it is big business.
But, both Google and Apple speak of their strong feelings about the educational community and their partnerships with schools/educators on moving education forward. And often, they both practice what they preach.
So... Google. Apple. Please reflect on your stated beliefs on education and your commitment to learning and teaching:
“At Google, we support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand the frontiers of human knowledge.” Google
“For 30 years Apple has been dedicated to advancing teaching and learning through technology”. Apple
Now ask yourself if this disconnect between the two of you shows that “support” and “dedication” for what is best for learners, learning, and education.
I don’t want this post to point out the obvious problem that others have already eloquently done before me. Instead, I’d like to add to it but proposing a solution. After all, I understand there is a bottom-line factor here. However, y’all are smart people that know solutions exist that can either protect or benefit your bottom line such as these two:
- Provide a Google Apps for Education app for the iPad that has full capabilities. This app would not work for personal Google or Google Business.
- Or, charge for a workable app. Prices could vary by type: Google personal app, Google Business, and Google Apps for Education
(Image: Broken Heart Cookie 1, a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (2.0) image from kaderli’s photostream)