Education Opinion

The Trials and Tribulations of a Dissertation

By LeaderTalk Contributor — January 28, 2012 3 min read
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Deciding to go back to school for your doctorate is a life-altering decision. There are so many unknowns that come along with returning to school for such a degree, which is something that keeps many people from pursuing this personal challenge and goal. Five years ago, I could not get rid of the nagging thought that it was time for me to seriously consider applying to schools for a doctorate in educational leadership. I applied, was accepted, and am in the final stages of dissertation writing...closing in on my last weeks without the title of Dr. Throughout the process of taking classes, writing, writing, writing, and then revising, revising, revising, people have shared their own desires to return to school; however, with those desires come all the fears of the unknown. In short, going back to school to obtain this degree has been well-worth the time, energy, and money; in long, you need to have stamina, perseverance, patience, emotional support, understanding family and friends, and really thick skin.

Time. Upon interviewing for admission, a professor on the committee said, “If you want to start and finish this program, do not change jobs; do not get married; do not get pregnant.” At first, I thought the advice was a little extreme, but I soon realized that it was the best advice anyone could give to potential students. Doctoral programs require all of your attention. If you are lucky, you will be part of a small cohort, and this cohort will become your life support. Your peers and professors are truly the only ones who understand the time and energy--the mental exhaustion--that is part of the commitment of returning to school. Family and friends, no matter how understanding and supportive they may be, will feel like you have abandoned them. It is imperative to practice good time management and to plan out short and long-term schedules that include time for work and play.

Stamina. Completing weekly school assignments after a 12 hour day at work is exhausting. What’s more exhausting? Completing the five chapters of the dissertation in a timely manner that does not make your research old and your bank account dry. Once you begin writing about your topic, the clock starts ticking. Once again, managing time is the best approach to get you through these steps. Each chapter follows a specific format, and you should be prepared to review and revise each section of each chapter a number of times. The research process, qualitative in my case, required knocking on many doors until I found participants willing to share their stories. I was ready to give up on more than occasion, but in the end, I met some of the most enthusiastic, caring, and inspirational educators. Each “completed” chapter is another step closer to the end goal, which helps build stamina to pick up the pen (or laptop!) and start writing again.

Mentorship. Another approach is finding a mentor with whom you have a good working relationship. The respect the mentor and the mentee have for one another should not be underestimated. Conflicting ideas about research topics, work ethic, and writing styles may create tension and impede progress. Luckily, this was not the case for me, but I have heard stories from people outside of my program who have had to scrap all of their work and start new because of issues with mentors.

Celebration. The coursework and dissertation process is a grueling one, and rewarding yourself for every success can help ease the mental pain. While taking classes, I promised myself a massage for each course I completed. While writing, I celebrate(d) by allowing myself a free weekend with no dissertation talk or dissertation writing... just a relaxed, think and work-free weekend. I also kept my close friends and family up to date with my achievements. In turn, they provided me with words of encouragement, inspiring me to continue striving toward my goal.

Teresa Ivey

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