Education Opinion

Introducing Gotham Schools: A New York City Schools Blog!

By Eduwonkette — July 31, 2008 1 min read
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If you follow NYC schools, here’s a new must read blog for you - Gotham Schools. When the Open Planning Project lined up two of NYC’s most talented education bloggers - Philissa Cramer (formerly of Inside Schools) and Kelly Vaughan (a NYC teacher for the last eight years) - I knew we could expect big things from this site. Here’s a description:

GothamSchools is a news source and online community for teachers, parents, policy makers, and journalists interested in learning about what works and what doesn’t in the nation’s largest school district. We seek to provide a clearinghouse for New York City school news and commentary, connect teachers and parents with resources, highlight effective practices in policy and pedagogy, and build a participatory knowledge base about education in New York City. By offering a critical eye on education research and reporting, and by creating a forum for conversation, GothamSchools is helping New Yorkers create better schools.

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