Education Opinion

No Cape for Cantor

By Eduwonkette — July 28, 2008 1 min read
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David Cantor, the New York City Department of Education’s press secretary, will not be receiving a free cape. Sadly, this is what it’s come to in New York City - the Department of Education is denying all of us access to data that rightfully belong in the public domain.


From: eduwonkette

To: Cantor David
Cc: Jacob Andrew
Sent: Sun Jul 27 22:18:22 2008
Subject: Requesting scale scores

Dear David,

I saw over at eduwonk that you are giving out the scale scores by race/ethnicity. Could you please send these scores to me (2003-2008), or provide a statement that I can post on the blog as to why you will not?

Thank you,


From: Cantor David
To: eduwonkette
Date: Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: Requesting scale scores

I’ve thought about it and decided i don’t want to give out information to someone asking anonymously.

I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty finding what you need.

Update: Matthew Tabor is my hero. Read his FOIL request here.
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