This blog was written by Tom Vander Ark (@tvanderark), an education advocate, adviser, and author of Getting Smart: How Personal Digital Learning is Changing the World. Tom is Founder and Executive Editor of Getting Smart and a partner in Learn Capital. This blog is no longer being updated.
After more than six years and 800 blog posts, I am wrapping up my contributions to Education Week. Before I go, a look at innovation vs. improvement and how we can all support creating a future that works for everyone.
Improvement and innovation have different rules, expectations, and risks. The key is knowing which game you're playing, but getting the balance right between fostering innovation and fighting for equity may be the challenge of our time.
Valor Collegiate Academies has been in the top 5 percent of Tennessee schools on growth and achievement every year since it started in 2014. But Tom visited Valor because of the well-regarded Valor Compass, a holistic human-development program.
An in-depth look at current barriers to competency-based education, the equity imperative behind CBE, and five key points to move the field toward CBE for all.
Tom and Emily recently visited several schools in Silicon Valley. Dive in to see how high-challenge communities are responding with personalized and project-based learning.
A look at some of the 10 progressive autonomous schools in the Philadelphia Innovation network expanding opportunities and serving families through local and national partnerships.
Tom recently visited the Grand Rapids Public Museum School that's rooted in design thinking and place-based education. Here's a look at the school and how they're using their XQ Super School grant to extend their vision for high-quality, community as a classroom learning opportunities for more students.
A look at the progress seen at Singapore American School when it comes to prepping students for life and college and 20 signs of progress in talent development, care and guidance, and high impact teaching.
How can we help students learn how to learn? Through projects and personalized learning. Discover how Thrive Public Schools makes this possible for each and every student that enters their doors.
Personalized learning is the future of education. In the latest episode of the podcast, Tom shares five important attributes, five tips on learning environments and how teachers and leaders can help promote personalized learning.
By: Rachel Wigglesworth. Everyone uses digital media nowadays. How can we navigate what is an appropriate amount of use with our families? Rachel shares how she is trying a family "technology pact."
Schools in Idaho are moving towards competency-based education in order to provide more personalized learning for all students. Read more from Tom's recent visit.
By Tom Vander Ark and Mary Ryerse We believe that every student deserves a great high school education - one that engages, challenges and inspires them, equips them to succeed in a rapidly changing world, and prepares them to thrive in the jobs of the future. We believe that all students should progress based on mastery and be provided the supports they need to succeed.
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