Education Opinion

Best Of The Blogs -- Early Edition

By Alexander Russo — February 06, 2007 1 min read
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I’m jumping the gun here a little bit, since we’re hosting the Carnival Of Education tomorrow, but here are a couple of blog posts that I’ve been meaning to highlight:

Teacher Pandering Getting Stale? The Chalkboard
Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter says it is time for America to stop pandering to teachers, and uses the “hack” word to describe Democratic politicians who engage in the most hard-core bootlicking.

Competition or Criticism How To Best Motivate America’s Schools? OUP Blog
Patricia Graham questions the best techniques for reforming America’s schools.

Last but not least, you can find a weeklong rumble over various NCLB issues between Dianne Piche, Joel Packer, and Mike Petrilli at edspresso. But we already know who’s going to win that debate, don’t we? Or at least, who’s not going to.

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