Equity & Diversity Blog

Why Boys Fail

This blog was written by Richard Whitmire, a former editorial writer at USA Today and past board president of the National Education Writers Association, and a frequent opinion commentator on national education issues. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on edweek.org by visiting our related topic pages: boys.

Education Opinion Bulletin from your Blogger: This Blog is Going into Remission
As mentioned in a previous posting, I am in the middle of a book project that, by book writing standards, includes some very demanding deadlines. But the project is worth it. I'm collaborating with College Board President Gaston Caperton on a book about what works in American public education. And what works, as it turns out, is what works for boys as well. When the book is done, the blog may return.
Richard Whitmire, November 4, 2011
1 min read
School Choice & Charters Opinion I Beg to Differ...
Note: This is a guest post by Darryl Williams, principal of the Brighter Choice Charter Schools for Boys' elementary and middle school programs in Albany, New York.
Richard Whitmire, November 4, 2011
2 min read
School Climate & Safety Opinion Suspended From College?
Note: This is a guest post by Darryl Williams, principal of the Brighter Choice Charter Schools for Boys' elementary and middle school programs in Albany, New York.
Richard Whitmire, November 2, 2011
3 min read
College & Workforce Readiness Opinion Economic Inequality: Red or Blue
Times columnist David Brooks makes an important point today about two flavors of inequality. The 'blue' inequality, financiers vs. wage earners, is getting all the attention, but the 'red' inequality, those with or without a college education (and here, the big gap falls along gender lines) is more prevalent.
Richard Whitmire, November 1, 2011
1 min read
Equity & Diversity Opinion Building Great Classrooms, One Teacher at a Time
Note: This is a guest post by Darryl Williams, principal of the Brighter Choice Charter Schools for Boys' elementary and middle school programs in Albany, New York.
Richard Whitmire, October 31, 2011
4 min read
Education Opinion Introducing a New Guest Blogger
Thanks to John Lee for his contributions. Next up is Darryl Williams, who for the past five years has been the principal of the Brighter Choice Charter School for Boys in Albany New York. Brighter Choice is an all-boys public charter school serving a 97% African-American and Latino population.
Richard Whitmire, October 31, 2011
1 min read
Science Opinion Women and Engineering
An interesting contribution to the debate over why women shun engineering careers comes from Stanford University's Clayman Institute for Gender Research. We know that girls perform as well as boys in the sciences during the high school years. The separation points appear to be when women declare their majors and even later when women with engineering backgrounds commit to careers.
Richard Whitmire, October 26, 2011
1 min read
Equity & Diversity Opinion Failing on Purpose or Socialized to Fail?
Note: This is a guest post by John Michael Lee Jr., PhD., policy director for the Advocacy and Policy Center in the Advocacy, Government Relations and Development unit at the College Board.
Richard Whitmire, October 24, 2011
1 min read
Equity & Diversity Opinion Reasons to Revisit The Boys Initiative Site
The site has been relaunched, with these features:
Richard Whitmire, October 24, 2011
1 min read
College & Workforce Readiness Opinion A Warning Sign from Korea
Too many college graduates and not enough jobs for them has Koreans worried about the priorities of their education system.
Richard Whitmire, October 24, 2011
1 min read
Federal Opinion The British Story, Again
The gender gaps in the U.K. seem roughly equivalent to what we're seeing here. The difference is the extent of the awareness. Overseas, the story makes regular appearances in the news. Here, the subject is still considered somewhat exotic -- and controversial.
Richard Whitmire, October 21, 2011
1 min read
Education Opinion TV: A Source of Language Delay?
The debate over video distractions is far from over. The New York Times summarizes the latest from researchers:
Richard Whitmire, October 18, 2011
1 min read
Student Well-Being Opinion Mentoring Minority Males: A Call to Action
Note: This is a guest post by John Michael Lee Jr., PhD., policy director for the Advocacy and Policy Center in the Advocacy, Government Relations and Development unit at the College Board.
Richard Whitmire, October 18, 2011
2 min read
School Choice & Charters Opinion Join the Debate on Single Sex Education
The New York Times is running a forum on single sex education, pegged to the Science article calling the rationale behind the movement "pseudoscience." All the major players were invited to join in.
Richard Whitmire, October 18, 2011
1 min read