Tamara Fisher was a K-12 gifted education specialist for a school district located on an Indian reservation in northwestern Montana and past president of the Montana Association of Gifted and Talented Education. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on edweek.org by visiting our related topic pages: gifted education.
All students have equal value as learners, which is why Tamara Fisher contends they each are worthy of the dignity of an education that fits them. For teachers, this means understanding the fine distinction between 'same' and 'equal.'
Concerned that research evidence indicates a decline in children's creativity, Tamara Fisher offers insights, resources, and ideas for nurturing creative thought in our homes and classrooms.
Last week, on a bit of a lark, I wrote something on the whiteboard in each of my "classrooms," then waited to see if the kids would notice and what, if anything, they would contribute. Below are the results. (Multiple kids added to each list, so there's an occasional repeat within a list.)
Are you looking for an easily-accessible and free or reasonably priced way to gather research-based information about gifted learners? These webinars in the coming weeks, many of them presented by widely-recognized experts in the field, are a fabulous option. Additionally, if you can't watch one "live," in most cases registration allows you to access it after-the-fact at a later time.
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