Education Opinion

RTI and Gifted - Revisited

By Tamara Fisher — March 22, 2010 1 min read
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A few months back, I wrote here at “Teacher Magazine” about RTI (“Response to Intervention”) and its possible implications for and adaptations for gifted students. The response to that post has been really interesting and I’ve enjoyed hearing from so many of you about how RTI is being adapted to included the gifted population in your schools. I wanted to take a moment today to post a couple updates for you regarding happenings since I last wrote about the topic.

First, ASCD contacted me a couple months ago wanting to interview me about RTI and Gifted Education. The transcript of the interview is now available online and includes some great new links at the bottom with relevant RTI/GT information.

Second, our Montana document aimed at helping schools recognize and implement RTI’s adaptations for gifted students is completed and posted online. You can download or read the full document here. A handful of gifted education specialists from across Montana worked together to compile all of the information and strategies, and copies of the document are now being distributed to schools around our state. I’m sure ideas within the document could be helpful to those of you in other states who are exploring if and how RTI can be adapted in your own situations for meeting the needs of gifted and advanced learners in your schools.

For anyone who hasn’t read my first post on this topic, I encourage you to do so and/or to read the ASCD interview. I’m of course also interested in your current views and actions regarding RTI and Gifted Education if you’d like to share them with all of us in the comments section. Thank you, as always, for your valuable input!

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The opinions expressed in Unwrapping the Gifted are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.