Education Opinion

Curmudgucation Digest (July 26)

By Peter Greene — July 26, 2015 1 min read
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Quotes and lessons and reformy baloney.

The L Word

We don’t use the word “love” often enough in discussing education. Watch a video of someone doing a good job of it.

The Terrible Choice

Balancing the needs of an individual child against the health of the system.

What Barbic Learned

Chris Barbic is leaving his ASD job, and he shared some of what he learned. Let me clarify a couple of those lessons.

Best Quote of the Month

This is not from an educator or a piece of writing about education, but this quote hit me right in the brainpan.

Helping the Newb

How are new teachers supposed to get off to a good start.

ME: Reformster Drive By

A privatizer who’s headed for Maine is a fine example of how folks make a living in that world (privatizing, not Maine).

Excuses? Maybe a Few After All

Turns out some charter operators would like to replace No Excuses with Some Excuses. Who knew that poverty mattered?

Bill Bennett’s Baloney

If you have $4 million, what will that get you. If you’re Campbell Brown, it will get you a poorly argued blog post from William Bennett.

PA: Legislator Misunderstands School Costs

PA Senator Mike Fowler is a little confused on where the money goes in a school system.

Teacher “Shortage” Coast to Coast

In which I actually tracked the legendary teacher shortage through all fifty states.

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