Career Advice Opinion

A New Year - A New Direction?

By B.J. Bryant — January 04, 2007 1 min read
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The New Year is often a time that you begin thinking about changes in the coming year. The holiday break gives time to reflect and often the new year brings about thoughts of a new career direction. For those of you thinking about a K-12 position beginning in August, it is not too early to begin those plans.

Todays suggestion: update your resume --- it should be on your computer and ready to print or upload at any minute. It’s a living document that changes every time there is a significant educational event in your career or preparation. Many education resumes go beyond the “1-page” legend. The resume needs to be a good representation of your professional preparation and experience. To me, there are only two guiding principles to creating a good resume: 1) the information should be presented “first things first.” What would a school district HR director be lookiing for? Prioritize your information accordingly. 2) the resume should be scannable vertically. In this case, I do not mean scannable electronically, although that’s a consideration, too. What I mean is that the reader is first likely to skim through a resume. Then, perhaps go back and read it. So, the information should be presented in a way that a reader can scan it vertically and catch your main points.

I welcome any questions or comments about resumes! Tomorrow, I will bring up another topic.

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