Professional Development Opinion

Best opportunities to gain classroom management and instructional experience

By AAEE — October 11, 2010 1 min read
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Reader Question:
As a rising sophomore elementary education major, what are the best opportunities to gain classroom management and instructional experience prior to my student teacher program?

Dear Reader:
Many teacher preparation programs offer students opportunities (through class work) to observe and participate in the schools prior to student teaching. I would encourage you to ask your academic adviser questions about how to take advantage of this.

Additionally, many of my own students work in Pre-k and day care settings, while in college furthering their classroom management and instructional experience. You can also do this in camps, and before-school/after-school programs. Lastly, explore your local community for weekend enrichment programs for young people. For instance, here at Hofstra University, we have Saturday Classes for Young People which is open to students of elementary age and older and offers an array of classes. These classes are taught by both new and more experienced teachers.

Suzanne Dagger
Director of Career Services
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY

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