
A Note from Home (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue)

By Sean Cavanagh — June 11, 2009 1 min read
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Teachers, principals, and and other authority figures are used to having students who miss school hand them notes—sometimes of dubious authenticity—explaining or excusing their absences.

Now a young girl named Kennedy has taken that tradition of handwritten, get-out-of-class messages to an entirely new level, by securing one from The Leader of the Free World.

As this news item explains, President Obama diverted from a town hall-style forum on health care to offer the young girl in Green Bay, Wisc., a note excusing her from school. Her father had jokingly alluded to his daughter’s absence from her classroom obligations, but Obama took him seriously, according to CNN’s account.

(Photos: Cory Dellenbach/Shawano Leader/AP)

A version of this news article first appeared in the Curriculum Matters blog.