Early Childhood

Congressional Pre-K Caucus Launches With Celebrity Guests

By Christina A. Samuels — April 15, 2016 1 min read
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Democratic Reps. Joaquin Castro of Texas, Katherine Clark of Massachusetts and Republican Reps. Tom Cole of Oklahoma and Richard Hanna of New York hosted an event Thursday launching what they called the first Congressional Pre-K Caucus.

But the real stars of the show were Cookie Monster and Elmo, who made a trip from Sesame Street to Capitol Hill.

Joined Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Reps. Hanna, Castro, Clark, and Cole to help launch the Congressional #PreKCaucus. High-quality early education sets our children up for long-term success. Proud to be a founding member of this important bipartisan caucus! A photo posted by Rep. Bobby Scott (@repbobbyscott) on Apr 14, 2016 at 3:37pm PDT

The four members of Congress are joint co-chairs of the caucus, which plans to bring “members of congress together to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of early childhood education and promote policy recommendations to expand pre-K access for children throughout the country,” said an invitation to the kick-off.

The Dallas Morning News, which attended the event, reported Hanna as stating: ""There’s nothing about this issue that should be anyway partisan, and I don’t think that there is. The reality is once you know more about pre-K it’s impossible not to support it for every child in America. We need universal pre-K.”

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Early Years blog.