I should be doing my laundry or feeding my new cat, but instead I’m here, live-blogging the State Of The Union for any glimpses of education news. This is not so easy to do without a drink - where’s the Jameson when I really need it? Start at the bottom if you want to read in chronological order. But it’s really all over after the first 10 minutes of the speech. 10:05pm - Now on to the spin -- a hallway outside the chamber that is (or was) literally crammed with lawmakers and press and surrogates all saying exactly what they’re supposed to say under the bright lights.
10:02pm - Finally, “the state of our union is strong, etc...” And we’re done. Not a moment too soon. 50 minutes.
Update: My friend Maureen points out the irony that the woman who made middle class parents fear for their children’s brain development is now working to help them with their fears of child abduction. Lovely. Thanks!
9:58pm -He’s talking about the woman who invented Baby Einstein and sold it to Disney. She’s a “social entrepreneur.” Hey, I know lots of those. Meanwhile, more readers flee this site for reruns of Scrubs.
9:53pm - There are a whopping total of 8 people reading this site right now. Most of them not reading what I’m writing, I’m sure. Greetings to Chicago, Clearwater, Staten Island, somewhere in Maryland, Round Rock TX, Lansing, LA, and someone else in Maryland (you know who you are).
9:51pm - Now I’m both watching and listening. Will it be over soon, please? But I like the powder blue tie he’s wearing.
9:47pm - I guess the choice-ies are happy that parental choice got mentioned, but it wasn’t really that much of a thing. Or, it’ll take a lot more than that to create a national voucher program for 28k kids as outlined in the briefing materials.
9:44pm - Did I ever tell you the story about getting my boss mentioned in a State Of The Union? It was about national tests, of all things. Or ed tech. I forget. Long time ago.
9:41pm - Snuck over to read what the Wonkettes have to say. Lots of swearing and dirty jokes. I like it.
9:37pm - Bush breaks away from prepared remarks to endorse “rigorous, voluntary national standards.” Not. He’s still talking about...invading Iran?
9:35 pm -- “Strategic petroleum reserve” is such a hot phrase.
9:30pm - Still pondering “this good law” -- good as in decent, as in effective? Not a single acknowledgment of its failings. Sort of a “stay the course” strategy, eh?
9:29 pm - Immigration reform -- again.
9:24pm - That’s it. On to health care insurance coverage.
9:23pm - Prez lists Admin NCLB priorities -- restructuring, math and science, etc. “I ask Congress to reauthorize this good law.”
9:22pm - NCLB comes early -- not a good sign, as this is all warm-up.
9:20 pm - Pledge to cut the number of earmarks in half by 2008. Could help education -- more money left over.
9:18pm - Prez starts off with budget-balancing. Not a good sign for education.
9:15pm - Camera pans to show Spellings wearing pink -- again.