Education Opinion

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By Alexander Russo — May 02, 2007 1 min read
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We sift through them so you don’t have to...Another Nail in the Coffin of the Savage Inequalities Meme D-Ed Reckoning: According to the Kozol crowd, our educational inequalities can be solved by putting poor and minority kids into affluent suburban schools. Gagaless Over Kristoff Eduwonk: Based on emails and blog posts it seems everyone is gaga over this Nicholas Kristof column today. Me, not so much. Are People in Washington Stupid? AFT Blog: Sec. Spellings is too smart to think that her bunny attack means anything to conservatives now or that she can use vouchers, a nonstarter, to get concessions in other areas. The question that Reading First’s Chris Doherty never asked Sherman Dorn: Reading the Title I Monitor’s article I get the sense that everyone in Washington involved in Reading First has no clue about academe. Honoring judgment Bridging Differences: Dear Diane, Agreed. Fear itself Joanne Jacobs: We Protect Kids From Everything But Fear, writes a mom in Newsweek’s My Turn. Let’s Carnival! The Education Wonks: The 117th edition of The Carnival of Education (hosted this week by Dr. Homeslice) has opened-up the midway for your EduEnjoyment. Huckabee Backs No Child Left Behind The Hill Blog: “The federal No Child Left Behind Act is often misunderstood and unfairly maligned as a total federal intrusion,” Huckabee said.

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