Education Opinion

Infidelity in Russia

By Richard Whitmire — December 01, 2010 1 min read
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In this Slate article, “The Cheating Cheaters of Moscow,” the cheating phenomenon is explained, in part, by the “operational sex ratio.” Put simply, when there’s a shortage of one sex the opposite sex sets the rules. Doesn’t matter if it’s the animal or human kingdom. In Russia, the shortage of men is a major player in that country’s attitudes about infidelity among men.

The same holds true on college campuses in this country, where there’s a shortage of men. And it’s playing out on in the broader society as well, where there’s a shortage of marriageable mates -- equally educated men deemed worthy of marriage. I wrote about this in the Wall Street Journal.

Considering the trend line on college gender gaps, prepare yourself for more of this.

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