Mei Flower notes, from her teacher’s perspective, that one of the most positive results of Obama’s win may be its effect on African-American boys:
In the past few weeks, I've noticed a difference in these students. I've noticed that they hold their heads a little higher. I've noticed that they've buckled down a little harder. I've noticed that they've looked me in the eye, and they've gotten a spark of enthusiasm, and they are talking about their futures because they believe they HAVE futures now. ...
It's possible that Barack Obama will leave office without passing even one law, without forging one new alliance, without solving one single economic problem.
[Obama's] greatest achievement won't ever reach the newspaper or be broadcast on the news. No, the best thing he's done--the best thing he'll ever do--is give my students HOPE, and in doing so, he gave them a FUTURE.
Anthony Rebora
Education Week
Anthony Rebora formerly wrote for Education Week.
A version of this news article first appeared in the Blogboard blog.
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