Teaching Profession Blog

New Terrain

Jessica Shyu, who taught special education for two years at an American Indian reservation school in New Mexico, was also a program director for Teach For America in Washington, D.C., where she supported and trained TFA teachers. In this opinion blog, Jessica wrote about the lives of new teachers in today’s schools, exploring their practice, experiences, and career challenges and opportunities. This blog is no longer being updated, but you can continue to explore these issues on edweek.org by visiting our related topic pages: new teachers.

Education Opinion Broader, bolder (and delivered to your inbox!)
Summer.is.over. It's the start of a new school year, new teachers, new trainings to lead and working 16-hour days, 5 1/2 times a week.
Jessica Shyu, August 12, 2008
2 min read
Education Opinion More painful than the pump
Education is indeed the great equalizer. Unfortunately, the quality of education given to children in America is not equal.
Jessica Shyu, July 29, 2008
1 min read
Education Opinion WHY TENURE?
"I'm unclear as to why the union president is coming to the union in the middle of negotiations and why the president of the union is negotiating away seniority and tenure," said Jeff Canady, who teaches third grade at Emery Elementary in Northeast.
Jessica Shyu, July 28, 2008
3 min read
Education Opinion Free college. Really.
I don't know anyone who doesn't like free stuff. In fact, I know a lot of folks who can use it. A lot of intelligent, hard-working people who don't have any disposable income and who don't necessarily want hand-outs, but who can use a better break in life.
Jessica Shyu, July 21, 2008
2 min read
Education Opinion Reason No. 5,324...
... for why we need to close the achievement gap ASAP.
Jessica Shyu, July 10, 2008
1 min read
Education Opinion DC goes up! (But we're still not off the ground)
Michelle Rhee: "It's a testament to what kids can do. I believe the children in the District of Columbia can achieve at high levels."
Jessica Shyu, July 10, 2008
1 min read
Education Opinion Learning control
My students on the rural Navajo Nation have far more in common than I would have ever imagined three years ago with the kids in the border town colonias of the Rio Grande Valley and the children of inner-city Anacostia in Washington, DC. The more I move around the country, the more I see firsthand that communities-- in this case, under-resourced ones-- in America are more similar than different-- and not always in the best ways.
Jessica Shyu, July 6, 2008
3 min read
Education Opinion Not there, but always around
It's around these next few weeks that people are making their final decisions around whether to stay in the classroom next fall or to move into a different role or field. I've always felt some tinge of guilt for going. For those in the midst of making up your minds, remember: Always honor your children. Here was a response I had for a reader who disagreed with my perspective, but who helped push my thinking about my role and our collective role as a society for children.
Jessica Shyu, June 26, 2008
1 min read
Education Opinion Expect more, get more
"It is ridiculous to think that teachers can become proficient in this very complex experience, called teaching, in a few years. To think otherwise de-professionalizes the profession."
Jessica Shyu, June 19, 2008
4 min read
Education Opinion Super proud
As I was driving on the highway to get from one school to another last week, I suddenly found tears streaming down my face. And then they wouldn't stop. I was shocked. Awed. A sense of urgency and desperation clenched up in my chest. I was overwhelmed by a feeling. And it took me a second to realize that the crazy feeling that was making me cry, cry and cry while driving really, really fast down Expressway 83 was an overwhelming sense of possibility.
Jessica Shyu, June 2, 2008
1 min read
Education Opinion Here's to Sylvia
The achievement gap is everywhere. This one is to the whole village being a part of the solution. This one's to the Sylvia's one of the world, inspiring, pushing, and making it possible for people in real situations to get the access they need to better lives. And, as always, this is to the folks out there making it possible for themselves.
Jessica Shyu, May 21, 2008
3 min read
Education Opinion Growing School Leaders, aka Keeping Great Teachers
I know the magic bullet to closing the achievement gap is having and keeping great teachers in the classroom. But I also know that the fastest way to lose someone away is to force them to do something.
Jessica Shyu, May 15, 2008
4 min read
Education Opinion How I survived my first year and taught a lot at the same time
I wrote this for Teacher Magazine's new discussion forum. Join in on the talk and copy some titles down for the next Amazon order!
Jessica Shyu, May 6, 2008
3 min read
Education Opinion Not a teacher? Not a problem. It takes a village. And you're in the village.
As an eduholic, I obsess over education and I'm angry about the achievement gap. And when I'm obsessed over something I'm angry about (imagine ex-boyfriends, people who don't use their turn signals, and the achievement gap) I tend to become more emotional and less logical. (Imagine vengeful emails, excessive honking, and getting angry at anyone who isn't a teacher .)
Jessica Shyu, April 30, 2008
2 min read